tea seed meal asian jumping worm hammerhead worm turf

2024 Tea Seed Meal – Genesis Informational Release

The following information was provided by Planet Turf


bag of tea seed meal asian jumping worm hammerhead worm turf

Wisconsin officials explain that the worms eat the organic matter in soil and leave behind waste that looks like "hard little pellets," known as castings, that "alter the texture and composition of soil" to make it look like large coffee grounds. That soil lacks the structure and support necessary for many native plants to survive.

Tea Seed Meal contains the natural ingredient SAPONIN, present in many plants, known to provide ‘self-defense’ biological mechanism to protect against stress.

There are numerous agricultural extension articles that discuss the damage to plants and animals from the Asian jumping worm (amynthas agrestis) and the newest invader, the Hammerhead Worm (Bipalium). Both worms are listed on the USDA National Invasive Species Information Center. 

The Hammerhead worm produce a neurotoxin in their mucus than may harm people or pets while the Asian jumping worm destroys soil structure and can kill plants. In both cases, researchers are recommending that you capture these creatures and destroy them. 

Products containing natural saponin are proven to drive the worms from underground to the surface where they can be collected. 

what is tea seed meal asian jumping worm hammerhead worm


Planet Turf Tea Seed is a natural product derived from Cameilla spp, a type of tea, known to contain glycosides and oleanane pentacyclic triterpene. 

Research shows the application of saponins to the soil will reduce the frequency of worm castings on the surface.

Management then becomes a function of collecting the invasive pests and disposing of them.  Other methods of control include solarization that raises the temperature of the soil and destroys the worms and their cocoons.[i]

Research shows that 6 lbs./1000 sq. ft of Tea Seed meal will reduce earthworm castings and cause worms to come out of their burrows to the surface.[ii] Managing casting information can be found at NC State Publication below.[iii]


[i] Internet source; https://extension.psu.edu/look-out-for-jumping-earthworms

[ii] Potter, D.A., C.T. Redmond, K.M. Meepagala and D.W. Williams. 2010. Managing earthworm casts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in turfgrass using a natural byproduct of tea oil (Camellia sp.) manufacture. Pest Management Science 66:439–446.

[iii] Internet source; https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/earthworm-in-turf

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